High Tea Party - Kitchen Tea Ideas
Author: Kitchen Tea Ideas    Date Published: 20 November 2017

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Kitchen Tea High Tea Party

A High Tea is ideal for a fancy and elegant kitchen tea held in the morning. This is perfect for the bride’s closest friends and relatives. Handwritten invitations will set the tone for the kitchen tea. You can host the kitchen tea at a quaint tea garden or at someone’s house.  

Should you keep it a Surprise or not?

The bride-to-be will feel special knowing you went through all the trouble organising a surprise kitchen tea for her. Arrange with the fiancé to fake an appointment with someone and then drop her off after all the guests have arrived. If it is difficult to keep the kitchen tea a surprise, tell her the date but don’t spill the beans on the details.  

Who should you invite to the High Tea?

Ask the groom-to-be for a guest list and invite all her family and friends. It can be very awkward if you invite people who aren’t invited to the wedding. Design an invitation (either by hand or online) that fits with the theme and ask guests to dress accordingly. Think big hats, nice jewellery, fancy dresses. Remember to take lots of photos!

Ice Breaker Ideas for a High Tea

Everybody at the kitchen tea will probably not know each other; you can play Word Association for an ice breaker to put all the guests at ease. Read out a list of wedding related words and ask each guest to write down the first word that comes to mind. The person who has the most matches with the bride is the winner and can receive a small gift.

Activities for a High Tea

If you are hosting the kitchen tea at someone’s home, get a pastry chef to demonstrate how to create exquisite pastries, desserts and cakes. Prepare index cards where guests can write a marriage tip or household hint on, gather all cards and tie them together with a fancy ribbon. For a fun activity, write the story of how the bride and groom met. Delete all the keywords and ask the guests for verbs, nouns, adjectives etc. Read the new story aloud for a good laugh.

Gift Ideas for a High Tea

If the couple is starting a new home together and doesn’t have a lot of things yet, anything fancy for her kitchen will be appropriate. You can also suggest lingerie, pampering product, beauty vouchers or anything that interests her.

Decoration Ideas for a High Tea

Think fancy, elegant and feminine. You should use real china and serve a wide selection of teas. Prepare light sandwiches and snacks, serve lemonade, ginger beer and other light beverages. 



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