Victorian Party - Kitchen Tea Ideas
Author: Kitchen Tea Ideas    Date Published: 18 May 2017

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Victorian Kitchen Tea Party

A Victorian themed kitchen tea is ideal for an intimate and elegant bridal shower. This is perfect for the bride’s closets friends and relatives. Handwritten invitations will set the tone for the kitchen tea. You can host the kitchen tea at a quaint tea garden or coffee shop.  Invite an events planner to demonstrate how to set a fancy table.

Should you keep it a Surprise or not?

If the bride-to-be loves to be spoiled, keep it a surprise for her. She will feel special knowing you went through all the trouble for her. If it is difficult to keep the kitchen tea a surprise, tell her the date but don’t spill the beans on the details.

Who should you invite to the Victorian Kitchen Tea?

Ask the groom-to-be for a guest list and invite all her family and friends. Don’t invite friends or family who aren’t invited to the wedding. Design an invitation (either by hand or online) that fits with the theme and ask guests to dress accordingly. Remember to take lots of photos!

Ice Breaker Ideas for a Victorian Kitchen Tea

Everybody at the kitchen tea will probably not know each other; use a fun ice breaker to put all guests at ease. You can ask all the married ladies to bring their wedding albums. See how styles and traditions have changed over time. Choose a month and ask whose wedding anniversary is in that month – the guest can win a small gift.

Activities for a Victorian Kitchen Tea

Organize an event planner or interior decorator to demonstrate how one should set a fancy table. You can divide the guests into groups and let each group set a table; the winning group can receive a bottle of wine. Play the advice game where you prepare common marital problems. Give each guest a problem and ask them to think of a solution. Gather all problems and solutions, ask the bride to choose a problem and read a random solution.

Gift Ideas for a Victorian Kitchen Tea

The Victorian kitchen tea theme sets the scene for elegance and a suitable gift will be a cutlery set (guests can put money together) or real china, crystals and lace. Anything fancy for her kitchen will be appropriate.

Decoration Ideas for a Victorian Kitchen Tea

Think fancy, elegant, feminine. Choose real linen, fine china and crystals to decorate the tables. You can serve bite-size sandwiches, crackers, cookies, fruit and more. Have a selection of teas and juice.



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