Traditional Kitchen Tea - Kitchen Tea Ideas
Author: Kitchen Tea Ideas    Date Published: 06 March 2017

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Traditional Bridal Shower

If the bride-to-be loves tradition and being conventional, plan her kitchen tea accordingly. Invite friends, close relatives and extended family to share this special day with her. You can dress her up with kitchen items and play games and serve finger food.

Should you keep it a Surprise or not?

The bride-to-be will feel special knowing you went through all the trouble organising a surprise kitchen tea for her. Arrange with the fiancé to fake an appointment with someone and then drop her off after all the guests have arrived. If it is difficult to keep the kitchen tea a surprise, tell her the date but don’t spill the beans on the details.  

Who should you invite to the Traditional Kitchen Tea?

Ask the groom-to-be for a guest list and invite all her family and friends. It can be very awkward if you invite people who aren’t invited to the wedding. Design an invitation (either by hand or online) that fits with the theme, you can include a list of possible gifts the bride might like.

Ice Breaker Ideas for a Traditional Kitchen Tea

Everybody at the kitchen tea will probably not know each other and it is your job to put them at ease. Use a well known icebreaker like Wedding Pictionary. Prepare cards with wedding related words beforehand, divide the guests into groups, get the bride to draw the items on a whiteboard. The group who guessed most right can win a prize.

Activities for a Traditional Kitchen Tea

Ask all guests to write a memorable moment they had with the bride and bind it together with the date and place of the kitchen tea. You can play Marriage Advice. Prepare a list of problems married couples may encounter before the kitchen tea. Pair the guests in groups of two or three, give each group a problem, they have to come up with a possible solution. Throw all the problems into one box and all the solutions into one box. Ask the bride-to-be to draw a problem and ask each guest to draw a random solution.

Gift Ideas for a Traditional Kitchen Tea

If the couple is starting a new home together and doesn’t have a lot of things yet, anything fancy for her kitchen will be appropriate. You can also suggest lingerie, pampering product, beauty vouchers or anything that interests her.

Decoration Ideas for a Traditional Kitchen Tea

Try to match your kitchen tea with the colour scheme of the wedding. You can order or prepare light sandwiches, snacks or platters. Serve lemonade, ginger beer and other light beverages.  



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