Traditional Kitchen Tea Gifts
Author: Kitchen Tea Ideas    Date Published: 04 November 2012

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Here are some great ideas if you don't know what to buy the bride-to-be for her kitchen tea. Depending on the theme of the kitchen tea, your gift can be anything from kitchenware to books, the most important thing is, it should make her feel special!

Books or DVD’s

Any type of book, marriage books, recipe books a good novel. If she knows the destination of the honeymoon, you could buy a book about it for her. Another great idea is a DIY book about her interests.

Recipes & Gourmet Produce

Fun shaped cookie cutters with a cookie recipe book. You can also buy gourmet products like olive oil, salad dressings or jam. Ask each guest to bring a special recipe and bind it together in a personalized recipe book.


All her family could put money together to buy a full set of cutlery. It can be expensive, but will be a treasured gift.


A cute flirty apron with matching oven gloves, a picnic basket, home ware voucher, or any other kitchen item that you know would be handy. Guests can always put their money together and buy one big kitchen appliance.

Linen & Towels

You could buy them a nice set of quality towels, sheets, or other household items like cushions and throw rugs.



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