Dress-Up Party - Kitchen Tea Ideas
Author: Kitchen Tea Ideas    Date Published: 13 October 2017

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Kitchen Tea Dress-Up Party

If you know the bride-to-be likes movies, cartoons or fairy tales you can build a theme around that and ask the guests to dress up accordingly. You can decorate according to the theme and give prizes for funniest, most relevant dress. Serve finger-food and try to stick to the theme of the kitchen tea. 

Should you keep it a Surprise or not?

This depends on the bride, if she loves surprises and to feel special, keep it a secret. But if she doesn’t like to be surprised, tell her the date of the kitchen tea but leave out the details. Ask the fiancé to play along and make up a story of how to get her there.

Who should you invite to the Kitchen Tea?

You can ask the groom for a guest list and email the invitations asking the guests to keep it quiet. Or if you would like to be more traditional, post the invitations but be sure to give enough notice. If the guests live far away and can’t make the kitchen tea, don’t invite people who are not invited to the wedding.

Ice Breaker Ideas for a Dress-up Party

Everyone at the kitchen tea will not always know one another, it is thus very important to put them at ease early on. A great ice breaker for a Dress-up kitchen tea is to divide the guests into groups and ask them to design and make a dress with toilet paper. Give them 30 minutes to finish the dress (remember to give tape, staplers and glue). The bride-to-be has to wear the winning dress, and they can win a bottle of wine.

Activities for a Dress-up Party

You can arrange for an image consultant or dress maker to give a demonstration on which cut is perfect for which body shape. Ask the bride-to-be to model her ‘wedding dress’. You can book a waffle, smoothie, juice, sushi or other ‘bar’ from Bar Motion.

Gift Ideas for a Dress-up Party

This kitchen tea idea is great if the bride-to-be and the guests want to learn more about beauty routines, style rules (how to dress for your body shape) and projecting the right image. Great gift ideas include make-up, hair products, accessories, beauty treatment vouchers and jewellery.

Decoration Ideas for a Dress-up Party

The Dress-up kitchen tea will work well for an evening gathering. You can serve savoury and sweet platters with a punch. Remember to also serve non-alcoholic beverages



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